Rafi Ibn Sultan

Graduate Research Assistant, Wayne State University | Detroit, Michigan, USA |
hm4013@wayne.edu rafi.ruet13@gmail.com

A little about me:
- A PhD pre-candidate (2nd year) in Computer Science at Wayne State University.
- A part of the Trustworthy AI Lab directed by Dr. Dongxiao Zhu.
- The lab's research interests: Trustworthy Machine Learning and Applications in health, urban, and social computing with emphasis on S & P, adversarial robustness, explainability, and fairness.
- My current research focuses on computer vision, specifically in the area of image segmentation including bio-medical images and geographical images.
- Also, I am a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) in the Computer Science Department.



Current Research

I specialize in Computer Vision, specifically focusing on Image Segmentation. My expertise lies in two main areas: Bio-Medical Image Segmentation and Geographical Image Segmentation.
In the field of medical image segmentation, our objective is to accurately identify and segment tumors within different organs of the body, using various imaging modalities such as CT scans, MRI scans, and others.
Regarding geographical image segmentation, our goal is to develop a pedestrian network capable of segmenting different pedestrian objects, including roadways, sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb ramps. This task is crucial for applications involving satellite/ aerial imagery. Our recent work on this area can be found here: "GeoSAM: Fine-tuning SAM with Sparse and Dense Visual Prompting for Automated Segmentation of Mobility Infrastructure",
Additionally, I also engage in algorithm optimization techniques as part of my work.
I keep a github repository for tracking important papers related to my research work or works that I intend to do in the future. Feel free to take a look: Github Repo.

Work Experience

Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
Trustworthy AI Lab
(Room: 2211, Department of Computer Science, 5057 Woodward Ave)
Detroit, MI 48202

(May 18, 2022 - current)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
(August 17, 2022 - May 17, 2023)


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Varendra University
532, Jahangir Sarani, Talaimari
Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
(29 October, 2019 - 16 August, 2022)


Wayne State University

Ph.D. in Computer Science
September 2022 - Current

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering
April 2014 - November 2018

Rajshahi College

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)

Shiroil Government High School

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)



Other than doing my work you can find me doing many things:
  • Soccer (a loyal fan of Real Madrid)
  • A beginner acoustic guitarist
  • Gaming Enthusiast (Playing Fifa from 98, A Killjoy main in Valorant, and a new CS2 player!)
  • Traveler: the goal is to visit all the 50 states!